Hey, I’m Kosta …
I’m on a mission to build climate companies
When I ask myself, “what’s important”, only one answer sticks: fixing the climate.
A cool, stable climate is the foundation of all life, and human civilization, as we know it.
Our challenge is to invent new ways for our global community to prosper, while honoring this magnificent blue and green planet we call home.
Stop adding, start removing
A hot planet is not a fun planet, so we’ve got two big jobs to do:
First – Deploy solutions to completely eliminate GHG emissions.
Second – Remove carbon to repair the air.
Humanity has to stop adding and start removing, as quickly as humanly possible.
This means fully decarbonizing all human activity, and then achieving carbon removal at scale.
The great news is technology and commercial innovation is underway on both those fronts.
This is what I think about in my sleep, and work on during the day.
Methane matters, a lot
To eliminate emissions, we should tackle the highest leverage, lowest cost activities first.
Methane matters a lot, especially from cattle.
Cow burps account for about 3.7% of all GHG’s. That’s more than 2x the emissions of the aviation industry.
There are almost no good solutions, so this is a really important challenge to crack.
I’m proud to say Rumin8 is doing really amazing work on this and it’s fun to play a part.
Let’s repair the air
The metric that matters most is absolute concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.
At 420ppm, it’s the highest it’s been in 3 million years 3 million years, and 2023 was the hottest year in 125,000 years.
That means every living organism doesn’t know what it’s like to live in a sauna. Not ideal.
Atmospheric CO2 needs to back to down to safe levels, around 300 ppm.
To achieve that, we’ll need to pull about 1 trillion tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere.
My work
I am working to scale a radically effective solution to livestock methane emissions at Rumin8.
We have humbling backing from some of the most visionary investors in the world, including Breakthrough Energy, Prelude Ventures, Aware Super, Harvest Road, Climate Capital and Starshot Capital.
Once we’ve achieved Rumin8’s mission of decarbonizing 100 million cattle, I’d love to tackle carbon removal.
I’m on a decade-long push to build companies that can solve the largest challenge humanity has ever faced.
About me
I believe that business is a powerful vehicle for change.
Grew up in a small country town in Australia.
Have traveled to 60 countries and lived in 11 cities. Spent 8 years in NYC.
These days I'm mostly in California, but remote is the new normal, so also Australia, Europe, and Brazil.
Economics, Law, Finance grad. Systems thinker.
Career that looks like a wild ziz-zagging line. Strategy and innovation is the clear through-line.
Favorite book: Meditations, Marcus Aurelius.
Favorite quote: “Consider yourself dead. You’ve lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.”
Laser focused on the next decade, because it matters.
Let's talk
I love meeting incredible people who are doing meaningful work that helps us move forward.
Currently building networks in agriculture, carbon markets, cleantech investment and carbon removal.
If you're working on something cool and you think my perspective would be helpful, let’s talk.
I find immense joy in elevating the ideas of others. Whipping ideas into shape is my jam.
If you think I can help, feel free to schedule a call.
Let’s connect on LinkedIn … or feel free to drop me an email.